C# 6 under the hood: nameof operator

In C# 6, the nameof operator allows you to retrieve the name of a variable, type or member.


The following example shows how you can use the nameof operator to retrieve the name of a namespace, class, method, parameter, property, field or variable:

using System;

public class Program
    private static DateTime Today = DateTime.Now;

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var localTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
        var åçéñøûß = true;

        Console.WriteLine(nameof(localTime));     // "localTime"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(åçéñøûß));       // "åçéñøûß"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(args));          // "args"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(System.IO));     // "IO"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(Main));          // "Main"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(Program));       // "Program"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(Program.Today)); // "Today"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(Program.Name));  // "Name"


Although the nameof operator works with most language constructs, there are some restrictions. For example, you cannot use the nameof operator on open generic types or method return values:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static int Main()
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<>)); // Compile-time error
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(Main())); // Compile-time error

        return 0;

Furthermore, if you apply it to a generic type, the generic type parameter will be ignored:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<int>));  // "List"
        Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<bool>)); // "List"

When to use?

So when should you use the nameof operator? The prime example are exceptions that take a parameter name as an argument. Consider the following code:

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    if (val == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("val");

If the val parameter is null, an ArgumentNullException is thrown with the parameter name ("val") as a string argument. However, if we do a rename refactoring of the val parameter, the "val" string will not be modified. This results in the wrong parameter name being passed to the ArgumentNullException:

public static void DoSomething(string input)
    if (input == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("val");

Instead of hard-coding the parameter name as a string, we should use the nameof operator :

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    if (val == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(val));

As nameof(val) returns the string "val", the functionality is unchanged. However, as the nameof operator references the val parameter, a rename refactoring of that parameter also changes the nameof operator’s argument:

public static void DoSomething(string input)
    if (input == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

This time, the refactoring did not break anything - the correct parameter name is still passed to the ArgumentNullException constructor.

Now we know how to use the nameof operator, let’s find out how it is implemented.

Under the hood

One way to find out how a C# feature is implemented, is by looking at the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code the compiler generates. As a refresher, the following diagram describes how C# code is compiled:

Compilation of .NET code

There are basically two steps:

  1. Compiling C# code to CIL code. This is done by the C# compiler and happens at compile time.
  2. Compiling CIL code to native code. This is done by the CLR and happens at runtime.

As C# code is compiled to CIL code, examining the generated CIL code gives us insight in how C# features are implemented by the compiler. As an example, C# properties are compiled to plain getter and setter methods at the CIL level.

Let’s examine the CIL code that is generated for the aforementioned examples.

CIL code for string-based example

To view the CIL code generated for our string-based example, we first have to compile it. Just as a reminder, this is the C# code for our string-based example:

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    if (val == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("val");

To examine the CIL code the compiler generates, we compile our code. As this code is part of a console application, the C# compiler writes the CIL code to an executable.

To view the CIL code in the compiled executable, we can use a disassembler. We’ll use ildasm, which is a disassembler that comes pre-installed with Visual Studio. ildasm can be used both as a command-line and GUI tool, but we’ll use the command-line functionality.

To use ildasm on our executable, we open a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Then, we navigate to the directory that contains the executable we just compiled. Finally, we call ildasm with our executable’s name as its argument: ildasm nameof.exe /text.

This command will output all CIL code in the nameof.exe executable to the console (note: omit the /text modifier to open the ildasm GUI). Amongst the CIL code written to the console is the CIL code for our DoSomething method:

.method public hidebysig static void  DoSomething(string val) cil managed
  // Code size       22 (0x16)
  .maxstack  2
  .locals init ([0] bool V_0)
  IL_0000:  nop
  IL_0001:  ldarg.0
  IL_0002:  ldnull
  IL_0003:  ceq
  IL_0005:  stloc.0
  IL_0006:  ldloc.0
  IL_0007:  brfalse.s  IL_0015
  IL_0009:  nop
  IL_000a:  ldstr      "val"
  IL_000f:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.ArgumentNullException::.ctor(string)
  IL_0014:  throw
  IL_0015:  ret
} // end of method Program::DoSomething

These instructions are the CIL representation of our C# code. If you are not familiar with CIL code, this may be a bit daunting. However, you don’t have to know all CIL instructions to understand what is happening. Let’s walk through each instruction to see what is happening.

  • .maxstack: set the maximum number of items on the stack to 2.
  • .locals: create a local variable of type bool at index 0.
  • IL_0000: do nothing. This instruction allows a breakpoint to be placed on a non-executable piece of code; in this case, the method’s opening curly brace.
  • IL_0001: push the val parameter value (the argument at index 0) on the stack.
  • IL_0002: push the null value on the stack.
  • IL_0003: pop the top two stack parameters from the stack, compare them for equality, and push the comparison result on the stack.
  • IL_0005: pop the top stack value (the equality comparison result) and store it in the local variable with index 0.
  • IL_0006: push the local variable at index 0 (the equality comparison result) on the stack.
  • IL_0007: pop top stack value (the equality comparison result) from stack. If this value is equal to 0 (false), jump to statement IL_0015 (end of method). If not, do nothing.
  • IL_0009: do nothing (allows breakpoint at opening curly brace inside if statement).
  • IL_000a: push the string "val" on the stack.
  • IL_000f: pop the top stack value (the "val" string) from the stack, and push a new ArgumentNullException instance on the stack by calling its constructor that takes the popped "val" string as its argument.
  • IL_0014: pop the ArgumentNullException from the stack and throw it.
  • IL_0015: return from the method.

While there is certainly more CIL code than there was C# code, it is not that hard to grasp what is happening if you are familiar with stacks.


There is something odd about the generated CIL instructions though. For example, instructions IL_0005 and IL_0006 seem to be redundant, as the first instruction pops a value from the stack which the latter instruction then immediately pushes back on the stack. Removing these instructions would not change the behavior of the code and would improve its performance. So how can we instruct the compiler to omit these redundant instructions?

Well, note that we built our code using the default Debug build configuration. If you build code using the default Debug build configuration, the C# compiler will not apply optimizations to the CIL being output. This leads to valid, but often inefficient CIL code. However, if we switch to the Release build configuration and compile our code again, the compiler will optimize the CIL code. Let’s see what the optimized CIL code for our example is.

CIL code for string-based example (optimized)

To see the optimized CIL code for our example, we select the Release build configuration and rebuild our code. This time, the generated CIL code looks remarkably different:

.method public hidebysig static void  DoSomething(string val) cil managed
  // Code size       15 (0xf)
  .maxstack  8
  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
  IL_0001:  brtrue.s   IL_000e
  IL_0003:  ldstr      "val"
  IL_0008:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.ArgumentNullException::.ctor(string)
  IL_000d:  throw
  IL_000e:  ret
} // end of method Example::DoSomething

This optimized CIL code does the following things:

  • .maxstack: set the maximum number of items on the stack to 8.
  • IL_0000: push the val parameter value (the argument at index 0) on the stack.
  • IL_0001: pop the top stack value (the val parameter value) from the stack. If this value is equal to true (which is the same as: not null), jump to statement IL_000e (end of method).
  • IL_0003: push the string "val" on the stack.
  • IL_0008: pop the top stack value (the "val" string) from the stack, and push a new ArgumentNullException instance on the stack by calling its constructor that takes the popped "val" string as its argument.
  • IL_000d: pop the ArgumentNullException from the stack and throw it.
  • IL_000e: return from the method.

As you can see, the functionality is still the same, but the number of CIL instructions has been drastically reduced. This not only leads to improved performance, but also makes it easier to see what is happening in the CIL code.

CIL code for nameof operator

Let’s see what CIL code is generated for our example that uses the nameof operator. The C# code that uses the nameof operator looks like this:

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    if (val == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(val));

If we compile this code (using a Release build) and run ildasm again, the following optimized CIL is generated for the DoSomething method:

.method public hidebysig static void  DoSomething(string val) cil managed
  // Code size       15 (0xf)
  .maxstack  8
  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
  IL_0001:  brtrue.s   IL_000e
  IL_0003:  ldstr      "val"
  IL_0008:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.ArgumentNullException::.ctor(string)
  IL_000d:  throw
  IL_000e:  ret
} // end of method Example::DoSomething

Interestingly, the CIL generated for the nameof version is exactly the same as the string-based version! The nameof operator is thus just syntactic sugar for a plain CIL string - there is no nameof operator at the CIL level. This means that there is no runtime overhead to using the nameof operator over plain strings.

CIL string optimizations

As the nameof operator compiles to a plain string in CIL, do strings optimizations also apply when the nameof operator is used?

As an example of such an optimization, consider the following code:

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    Console.WriteLine ("Parameter name: " + "val");

Can you guess what CIL code will be generated for this C# code? If you figured there would be string concatenation, you’d be wrong. Let’s check the optimized CIL code the compiler outputs:

.method public static hidebysig default void DoSomething (string val)  cil managed
    // Method begins at RVA 0x2058
    // Code size 11 (0xb)
    .maxstack 8
    IL_0000:  ldstr "Parameter name: val"
    IL_0005:  call void class [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
    IL_000a:  ret
} //

You can clearly see that instead of using CIL instructions to concatenate the "Parameter name: " and "val" strings, the compiler just outputs the concatenated strings directly. Obviously, this compiler optimization saves both time and memory.

To find out if this optimization also applies when the nameof operator is used, we modify our example to use the nameof operator:

public static void DoSomething(string val)
    Console.WriteLine ("Parameter name: " + nameof(val));

We then recompile and inspect the generated CIL code:

.method public static hidebysig default void DoSomething (string val)  cil managed
    // Method begins at RVA 0x2058
    // Code size 11 (0xb)
    .maxstack 8
    IL_0000:  ldstr "Parameter name: val"
    IL_0005:  call void class [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
    IL_000a:  ret
} //

As the generated CIL is the same as that of our string-based example, we have verified that existing string optimizations also apply when the nameof operator is used.

Backwards compatibility

As we saw earlier, nameof operator calls are converted to strings in the generated CIL code; there is no nameof concept at the CIL level. This allows code that uses the nameof operator to run on older versions of the .NET framework, as far back as .NET framework 2.0 (and probably 1.0). The only restriction, of course, is that the compiler must be recent enough to know how to compile the nameof operator.

To verify this backwards compatibility, create a project that uses the nameof operator. Then, open the project properties page and change the Target framework to .NET Framework 2.0. At this point, you might get compile warnings for features not supported in .NET Framework 2.0. Remove all such features until the code compiles again. Note that the compiler did not complain about the nameof operator! Now recompile the application and run it. Everything should still work just fine.


Previously we used a disassembler to see what CIL code was generated by the C# compiler. However, as the C# compiler (nicknamed Roslyn) is open-source, we can also examine its source code to find out how the nameof operator is compiled.


To explore Roslyn’s source code, we first get a local copy of the Roslyn repository. We then follow the build instructions to build the master branch. Once the build script has finished (this can take a while), we open the Compilers.sln solution. In the CSharp solution folder, we then select the csc project as the startup project. This console application project builds csc.exe, the command-line version of the C# compiler. To see how csc.exe compiles C# code that uses the nameof operator, we specify the following command line arguments on the Debug tab of the csc project’s properties page:

"nameof.cs" /out:"nameof.exe" /optimize

The first argument is our C# source file that contains the nameof operator code. The compiler will compile this file and write the CIL output to the file specified in the "/out" argument. Finally, the "/optimize" flag will cause the compiler to emit optimized CIL code (note: this flag is set when doing a Release build).

Now, if we press F5 to debug the csc project, the C# compiler will compile the nameof.cs file and write the results to nameof.exe. At this point, we haven’t set any breakpoints, we just let the compiler finish. After finishing, the compiler has created the nameof.exe executable. Using ildasm, we can see that csc.exe has generated the exact same CIL code as we saw in our previous examples.

Compilation pipeline

Before we dive head-first into Roslyn’s source code to see how the nameof operator is compiled, let’s see what the Roslyn compilation pipeline looks like:

Compilation of .NET code in Roslyn

This diagram shows that Roslyn compiles C# source code in various stages. In the next sections, we’ll look at what happens to our nameof source code in each phase.

First steps

We’ll start exploring Roslyn’s internals by debugging the csc project while it tries to compile our C# code. This time though, we set a breakpoint in the project’s Main method (located in the Program.cs file). Once the breakpoint hits, we use Step Into (F11) to dig deeper and deeper into Roslyn’s source code.

At first, the compiler does some pretty mundane stuff, like parsing command-line arguments. However, things start to get interesting when we arrive at the RunCore() method in the CommonCompiler class. This method implements the aforementioned compilation pipeline. Let’s see how the nameof operator is processed in the various phases.

Parse phase

In this phase, the compiler uses the ParseFile() method to parse our source code into a syntax tree. The following is a simplified version of the syntax tree the compiler creates for our C# code:

Clearly, the syntax tree hierarchy directly corresponds to the hierarchy in our C# code. For example, the root node is the namespace declaration, which has a class declaration as its child.

Each syntax element in the syntax tree has a number of properties, such as a reference to its parent. Some syntax elements also have an identifier property, which is a string that contains the name of that syntax element. For example the ClassDeclaration describing the Program class has its identifier property set to "Program".

Let’s zoom in on the syntax tree for the C# code that uses the nameof operator: the new ArgumentNullException(nameof(val)) expression. This time, we’ll also show the syntax element’s identifier in the tree (if it has one):

At the root of this part of the syntax tree is the ObjectCreationExpression. The object creation expression has three parts:

  1. The new keyword.
  2. The identifier name ("ArgumentNullException").
  3. The argument list.

The argument list subtree has a single child: an Argument that describes an InvocationExpression, which represents the nameof(val) argument. The syntax tree for this element has two parts:

  1. The identifier of the method to be called ("nameof").
  2. The argument list, which contains a single argument that refers to the "val" identifier.

We can see that the the nameof operator is treated as a regular method call with a single argument. That argument is not a string though, but an IdentifierName element, which is a reference to another element with a matching identifier.

We know that in our code the val argument of the nameof call refers to the DoSomething() method’s val parameter. Therefore, we expect the syntax tree of the DoSomething() method to have a parameter syntax element with its identifier set to "val", which it does:

In the next phase, the compiler will match these identifiers.

Declaration and bind phase

In the declaration and bind phase, identifiers are bound to symbols. In the parse phase, we saw that the nameof call was described by an InvocationExpression. The binding of this expression is done in the BindInvocationExpression() method.

The BindInvocationExpression() method starts by calling TryBindNameofOperator(). As our InvocationExpression indeed contains a nameof operator, the BindNameofOperatorInternal() method is called to handle the binding of the nameof operator.

The following, abbreviated code shows the BindNameofOperatorInternal() method:

private BoundExpression BindNameofOperatorInternal(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
    var argument = node.ArgumentList.Arguments[0].Expression;

    string name = "";
    CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument(argument, out name, diagnostics);


    return new BoundNameOfOperator(node, boundArgument, ConstantValue.Create(name), Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String));

First, the InvocationExpressionSyntax element’s single argument is retrieved, which is of type IdentifierNameSyntax. Then the CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument() method sets the name parameter to the identifier of the IdentifierNameSyntax element. In our example, the name variable is set to "val".

Finally, the method returns a BoundNameOfOperator instance, which is the bound symbol representation of the InvocationExpressionSyntax. Note that the third constructor argument is a call to ConstantValue.Create(), with the identifier name ("val") as its argument. This method is implemented as follows:

public static ConstantValue Create(string value)
    if (value == null)
        return Null;

    return new ConstantValueString(value);

By passing a ConstantValue instance to the BoundNameOfOperator constructor, we indicate that the BoundNameOfOperator symbol can also be represented by a constant value. The importance of this will become clear later.


After the binding has finished, there is one thing left to: lowering. In the process of lowering, complex semantic constructs are rewritten in terms of simpler ones. For example, each lock call is lowered to a try/finally block that uses Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit.

As it turns out, lowering also applies to the nameof operator. The VisitExpressionImpl() method (in the LocalRewriter class) is called for each BoundExpression instance, including derived classes such as the BoundNameOfOperator class. It looks like this:

private BoundExpression VisitExpressionImpl(BoundExpression node)
    ConstantValue constantValue = node.ConstantValue;
    if (constantValue != null)

        return MakeLiteral(node.Syntax, constantValue, type);


This method takes a BoundExpression and also returns a BoundExpression. However, if the ConstantValue property is not null, the returned BoundExpression is of type BoundLiteral, as returned by the MakeLiteral() method:

private BoundExpression MakeLiteral(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, ConstantValue constantValue, TypeSymbol type, BoundLiteral oldNodeOpt = null)

    return new BoundLiteral(syntax, constantValue, type, hasErrors: constantValue.IsBad);

Therefore, when the VisitExpressionImpl() method is called to apply lowering to bound expressions, each BoundNameOfOperator instance is replaced by a BoundLiteral instance.

Emit phase

The last phase is the emit phase. Here, the bound symbols created in the previous phase are written to file as CIL code.

From our nameof viewpoint, things start getting interesting when the EmitExpression() method is called with the BoundLiteral instance (representing our nameof call) as its argument.

As we saw earlier, the BoundLiteral instance had its ConstantValue property set to an instance of ConstantValueString (containing the string "val"). This is important because normally, the compiler evaluates an expression to determine what code to emit. However, if the compiler find that an expression’s ConstantValue property is not null, it will skip evaluating the expression but instead emit the constant value.

In the EmitExpression() method, you can clearly see this behavior:

private void EmitExpression(BoundExpression expression, bool used)

    var constantValue = expression.ConstantValue;
    if (constantValue != null)

        EmitConstantExpression(expression.Type, constantValue, used, expression.Syntax);


As the ConstantValue property of our BoundLiteral instance is not null, the EmitConstantExpression() method is called, which in turn calls EmitConstantValue():

internal void EmitConstantValue(ConstantValue value)
    ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator discriminator = value.Discriminator;

    switch (discriminator)

        case ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.String:


As the ConstantValue property of the BoundLiteral instance is of type ConstantValueString, the EmitStringConstant() method is called with the StringValue property as its argument. Note that for our ConstantValueString instance, the StringValue property returns the string "val".

Having arrived at the EmitStringConstant() method, we are finally able to see how the CIL code for the nameof operator is emitted:

internal void EmitStringConstant(string value)
    if (value == null)

With value not being null, the else branch is executed. First, the CIL code for the ldstr opcode is emitted. Then, the "val" string token is emitted. This will output the CIL code we were expecting:

IL_0003:  ldstr      "val"

Our tour through Roslyn’s internals has shown us how the nameof operator has been parsed to syntax elements, then bound to symbols and finally emitted as CIL code.


The nameof operator is easy to understand and use. While its use is limited, it does make your code more robust. As the nameof operator is just syntactic sugar, there is no runtime performance impact. Furthermore, existing string optimizations also apply to the nameof operator and the compiled code runs on older versions of the .NET framework.

To find out how the nameof operator was implemented, we used ildasm to examine the generated CIL code and stepped through Roslyn’s internals to see how the compiler generated the CIL code for the nameof operator.