Building a JavaScript library - part 4: package managers

This is the fourth in a series of posts that discuss the steps taken to publish our library. Our previous post went into detail on how we open-sourced our library. This post describes how we added support for package managers.

Package managers

When building software, you’ll likely use (and thus depend on) software built by others. Here is how you’d manually add a software dependency to your project:

  • Find the website of the software you want to use.
  • Search the website for the correct version of the software.
  • Download the software.
  • Copy the software to your project.
  • Possibly run some installation scripts.
  • Add the software to version control.

This might not seem that bad, but what if you have many dependencies or want to upgrade to a newer version? You’d have to repeat the previous steps for each dependency, which is both tedious and error prone.

A package manager can help you manage your software dependencies (also referred to as packages). It allows you to:

  • Search for packages.
  • Install and uninstall packages.
  • Upgrade packages.
  • Restore packages.

Any time you install, uninstall or upgrade a package, the package manager modifies a configuration file, which contains all dependencies.

As the package manager can restore all dependencies using the configuration file, you should only add the configuration file to source control, not the installed dependencies.


There is a package manager for virtually every major language/platform:

As our library was written in JavaScript, we’ll add support for its three most popular package managers:


The first package manager we’ll look at is Node’s package manager: NPM. In Node, a project defines its metadata in a file named package.json, located in the project’s root.

A minimal version of this file only contains the library’s name and version:

  "name": "knockout-paging",
  "version": "0.2.1"

There are many more fields you can use though:

  "name": "knockout-paging",
  "version": "0.2.1",
  "description": "Adds paging functionality to Knockout.",
  "main": "dist/knockout-paging.js",
  "files": ["LICENSE", "", "index.js", "dist"],
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "keywords": ["knockout", "paging"],
  "author": "Erik Schierboom",
  "license": "Apache",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": ""

In general, the more fields you specify, the better. Of special note is the "files" field, which specifies what files are copied when the package is installed.


To be able to submit a project to NPM, we first have to authenticate to NPM:

npm adduser

Just follow the instructions to create an account or login to an existing account.

Then we navigate to the project’s root (where the package.json file is stored) and do:

npm publish

This command parses the package.json file and submits its metadata to NPM. And that’s all! Our library has now been published and has its own page at


At this point, people can install our library using NPM:

npm install knockout-paging

This will install the library in the node_modules directory, ready for use:

You can see that the files specified in the "files" field in the package.json file were copied, along with the package.json file itself and the knockout package dependency, which is stored in a nested node_modules directory.


NPM can install packages from the following sources:

  • NPM registry
  • Local folder
  • Git endpoints

That means we could also have used:

npm install git://


npm install /Users/erikschierboom/Programming/knockout-paging

to install our library.


If you have made changes to your project and you want to publish the updated version on NPM, you have to do two things:

  1. Update the version number in your package.json file (using semantic versioning).
  2. Do an npm publish.

Again, the npm publish command will parse the package.json file and update the NPM repository. Note that older versions will remain available.

Note that you can install a specific version using <package>@<version>:

npm install knockout-paging@0.0.1


The second package manager we’ll be supporting is Bower, which is a bit different from NPM. Whereas NPM is primarily used to distribute software, Bower is often also used to distribute images, CSS and such.

For our library, we’ll use Bower to distribute software, like we did with NPM. We start by creating a file in our project’s root named bower.json.

A minimal bower.json file only contains the name of the library:

  "name": "knockout-paging"

Once again, there are many more fields you can use:

  "name": "knockout-paging",
  "main": "dist/knockout-paging.js",
  "homepage": "",
  "authors": ["Erik Schierboom"],
  "description": "Adds paging functionality to Knockout.",
  "keywords": ["knockout", "foreach", "paging"],
  "license": "Apache",
  "ignore": ["*", "!dist/*"],
  "dependencies": {
    "knockout": "^3.2.0"

Once again, the more fields you supply, the better. By default, Bower copies all files in your project when installed. However, you can exclude files and folders using the "ignore" field.


Before we can submit our library, we need to look at how Bower handles versioning of packages. Whereas NPM uses the "version" field in the package.json file, Bower scans the available Git or SVN tags. If those tags are named using semantic versioning, Bower will be able to infer the available versions.

As an example, to create a version 0.0.1 package for our library, we create a tag named “0.0.1” using the following commands:

# commit files for version
git commit -am "First release"

# tag the commit
git tag -a 0.0.1 -m "Version 0.0.1"

# push commit to GitHub
git push

# push tag to GitHub
git push origin 0.0.1

These commands first create a commit, then create a tag named "0.1.1" linked to that commit and finally push both the commit and the tag to GitHub.

Having done that, we can now register our library with Bower. First we need to install Bower globally using NPM:

npm install -g bower

Then all we have to do is:

bower register knockout-paging

This command registers a Bower package named knockout-paging located at the specified Git endpoint.


To install the library through Bower, we can now use:

bower install knockout-paging

When this command executes, Bower does the following things:

  • Find the source for the knockout-paging package.
  • Checkout the source to the bower_components/knockout-paging directory.
  • Remove all files matching any of the rules in the "ignore" field.
  • Install all dependencies listed in the "dependencies" field.

After the command has completed, it will have created the following files:

You can see that Bower used the "ignore" field to copy everything but the dist folder. Note that the bower.json is always copied.

If we look at the console output of the bower install knockout-paging command, we can clearly see that Bower automatically inferred the package version to "0.0.1", even though we did not specify a version:

bower cached        git://
bower validate      0.0.1 against git://*
bower cached        git://
bower validate      3.2.0 against git://^3.2.0
bower install       knockout-paging#0.0.1
bower install       knockout#3.2.0

knockout-paging#0.2.1 bower_components/knockout-paging
└── knockout#3.2.0

knockout#3.2.0 bower_components/knockout

Bower can install packages from the following sources:

  • Bower registry
  • Local folders
  • Git endpoints
  • Subversion endpoints
  • URL’s

As can be seen, you can also use Bower to install libraries that have not been submitted to Bower. For example, we could also install our library using its Git endpoint:

bower install git://

or install it from a local folder:

bower install /Users/erikschierboom/Programming/knockout-paging


To update a package, just create a new tag with the correct semver name:

# commit files for new version
git commit -am "Awesome update"

# tag the commit
git tag -a 0.0.2 -m "Version 0.0.2"

# push commit to GitHub
git push

# push tag to GitHub
git push origin 0.0.2

Now, when someone tries to install the knockout-paging package using Bower, it will automatically install version 0.0.2.

Note that you can also explicitly specify the version Bower should install using <package>#<version>:

bower install knockout-paging#0.0.1


The third and last package manager we’ll add support for is JSPM, which is the new kid on the block. JSPM is a package manager for the SystemJS universal module loader, which can load AMD, CommonJS, ES6 or global modules.


Like NPM, JSPM uses the package.json file for describing the package. JSPM extends the package.json spec with new properties, most notably the following two properties:

  • "registry": the registry to use when JSPM install the package. Supported values are: "jspm", "npm" and "github".
  • "format": the module format used by the package. Its value is either, "es6", "amd", "cjs" or "global".

To indicates that we want JSPM to use the NPM registry for our library, which is written as a global module, we modify our library’s package.json file:

  "registry": "npm",
  "format": "global"

To allow JSPM to use these fields, we must publish new versions of our library, that include the changed package.json file, to NPM and GitHub.

Having done that, the final step is to add our library to the JSPM registry. This is done by adding our library to the registry.json file in the JSPM repository.

To do so, first we fork the JSPM repository. Next, we’ll clone our fork to our local machine. There, we’ll modify the registry.json file to define a JSPM package for our library:

"knockout-paging": "npm:knockout-paging",

The key is our package name (which is used to install the package) and the value is a combination of the registry and the registry’s source.

Finally, we’ll commit this change, push it to our fork on GitHub and send a pull-request. Once the pull-request has been accepted, our library has been added to the JSPM registry.


To install our library, we first need to install JSPM globally:

npm install -g jspm

Once installed, we can do:

jspm install knockout-paging

This will cause JSPM to search its registry for the source of the knockout-paging package (which we set to NPM earlier). You can see this happening if you examine the output of the jspm install command we just executed:

Updating registry cache...
Looking up npm:knockout-paging
Downloading npm:knockout-paging@0.2.2
Looking up npm:knockout
Installed npm:knockout@^3.2.0 (3.3.0)

Once the command has completed, JSPM will have created the following files:


JSPM supports installing packages from the following sources:

  • JSPM registry
  • NPM registry
  • GitHub

As an example, we could install jQuery using each of the three sources:

jspm install jquery               // Use the JSPM registry

jspm install npm:jquery           // Use the NPM registry

jspm install github:jquery/jquery // Use GitHub


To update a package, you just use the registry’s specific updating strategy. For NPM, that means updating the package.json file followed by a publish to the NPM registry. For GitHub, that means creating a release/tag using the proper semantic versioning name.


As most software is installed through package managers nowadays, it was vital that our library could be installed using a package manager. We added support for the most popular JavaScript package managers: NPM, Bower and JSPM. Supporting those package managers was easy, it involved not much more than creating and publishing a JSON config file describing the package. When creating and updating packages, be aware that the package managers expect packages to use semantic versioning.

The next post shows how we enabled build servers to automatically build and test our software.